Graphic Era Hill University is situated in Deahradun. It is one if the universities of Graphic Era . There are three universities of Graphic Era.
1.Graphic Era Deemed to be university
2.Graphic Era Hill University
3.Graphic Era Bhimtal University
First two are situated in Dehradun and the third one in Bhimtal.
Graphic Era is a fantastic university to be in . From having world class campus ,experienced faculty ,healthy atmosphere and so much opportunity to showcase the talent inside a student  it proves to be a dream university.
Some superb qualities of Grahic Era Hill University are:

No Ragging
World class campus
Superb facilities
Healthy atmosphere to grow
Healthy competition
Experienced faculty
Teachers help student get rid of fear of performance
Guidance given by teachers
NCC and NSS affiliations
Seminars to boost confidence
Seminars from proffeaors from different institutions
Parent Faculty Interactions
Apreciation for good work
And many more qualities which makes Graphic Era a university to be in .
Students problems and suggestions are taken seriously and are worked upon . Even students can mail their problems and suggestions to the Vice Chancellor directly .
Outings are also a part of curriculum.
The quality that attracted me the most was that it is a beautiful placeto grow , learn and acheive .
The hostel facility of Graphic Era is the best. Discipline , food , cleanliness , hygiene, rooms etc are really good . Girls and Boys hostel are separate . There are outings in hostels too .
The extra curricular activities in the campus are also a very good platform to showcase your talent . The students and faculty help to boost confidence and remove stage fear.
Attendance if pecentage seventyfive is compulsory .
There are various seminars and presentations which help students to open up and build confidence to face the audience .
Graphic Era is actually a platform which helps to TRANSFORMING DREAMS INTO REALITY.
